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My working RTK Basestation
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Posted 7/1/2024 10:45 (#10794485 - in reply to #10793847)
Subject: RE: My working RTK Basestation

You should have a good system if you have everything worked out. I have an old trimble MS750 that I have used as a base station for at least 10 years now. My goal at the time was similar to yours build the base station for around 1000. At that point in time anything better than WAAS in my area would run at least 1000 a year. Over the years most of my issues have come from my home network. The base is in an out building that until this year used a wireless bridge for internet access. The wireless setup was having more issue over time so this spring I replaced it with a fiber line I installed myself. I wish I would have done that a long time ago. I also have everything self hosted so from time to time I have had some issues with dynamic dns and port-forwarding over the years. This was mostly caused by cheap routers I have owned over the years. The strangest issues I ran into was with a serial port adapter that lets you send serial data over Ethernet to another device. It would work prefect for several days and then stop if there was a power outage or if you shut the base-station down. What I found out was that the base-station and the adapter needed a common DC power supply. It would work part of the time with separate dc power supplies for each device but was unreliable.

If you are using RTK2GO isn't your base station already available for anyone that wants to use it?
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