Pittsburg, Kansas | You don't basically.
It is like trust in anyone else you meet. Over time you learn which people seem to give you good answers, which ones don't know what they are talking about, some who just talk constantly not ever saying much, and some downright scoundrels.
I base who I trust on first of all if what they are saying seems logical. Then I base what I can on any own personal experience I have had with the subject. Has what they said helped me or someone I know? I also try to look at any research although a person has to look past just the headlines. People quoting research often are making a point the research may not even support.
Watching Youtube videos is no different than talking to a person. After years of knowing someone you kind of know the ones who you can trust, the ones to suspect they may not be trustworthy and the ones to simply avoid.
I'm sure I don't always get it right. That is why I don't normally give any advice. I just discuss and bring up topics I think are worthy of discussion. Then a person has to make up their own mind if it is legitimate information that applies to them.
There are not simple answers to your question. A person just has to do the best they can. That is all I try to do. I make lots of mistakes along the way. Had I been a wiser perfect investor I would be rubbing shoulder with the likes of Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates instead of a bunch of AgTalk people. But that is ok. I have not done too badly anyway and I kind of like the AgTalk crowd. Despite all the lifetime of mistakes I made I have still made it to 70 and doing ok. That is something. I used to think I was a pretty good farmer. The reality is I was fair to middling. But turned out it was good enough.
That is the way I look at the new information on Youtube. I will get a lot of it wrong, but hopefully I will get enough of it right to do ok.
The great thing about the internet is the amount of information we can get to that a generation ago could not have even dreamed about. We can get research results published even before it is in official print. A generation ago a person would have to wait for a book about it and then wade through many unfamiliar books. So we have available to us information much quicker than what was available in the past. That is booth good as well as dangerous. I suspect that will be what it has always been. Those able to benefit from it will forge ahead. Those who can't will fall further behind. Till something in society breaks. Kind of happens every few generations.
Edited by John Burns 6/18/2024 00:26