Eastern Iowa | Looking for tips for spraying glufosinate post on soybeans for waterhemp control. We put Prowl/Pursuit/metribuzin down pre plant and just came back over the top with Clethodim/Engenia/S-moc post on XtendFlex beans (not trying to trigger a debate on dicamba just giving background on what has been sprayed). Knowing how nasty TWH is with multiple flushes just thinking ahead for what happens if we don’t get a timely rain to activate the S-Moc and another flush gets through that glufosinate is probably our best bet to control it.
We have never sprayed glufosinate and reading the posts on here for best practices it looks like we need to go high rates – 36oz/acre, 3# min AMS, 20 GPA water and spray before waterhemp is 4” tall. Does adding insecticide/fungicide in the mix reduce control? Any other tips for success? Thanks for any info!
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