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The difference in the way oats cook
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AR Plowboy
Posted 5/11/2024 08:08 (#10736573)
Subject: The difference in the way oats cook

East Central Arkansas
Just plain old fashioned oats. Different brands and even different boxes of them. Some get more creamy and cooked up while others remain mostly whole. Something that as a child I really didn't like and wouldn't hardly eat. As I aged as a adult I found them to be a quick and easy hot breakfast. Learning to cook them in the microwave in the bowl I eat them from makes them real easy. I have the time and percentage preset on the microwave. Oats, rasins and milk in the bowl and in less than ten minutes ready to eat. I know being a grown commodity that field to field, one region to another and year to year will make a difference. Also different varieties grown with different production practices would make a difference. Quaker oats one of the more expensive isn't my favorite brand but better than some. It seems the Kroner and Walmart are the ones I like the best. We no longer have a local Kroner and for some reason Walmart won't always ship theirs to us. I bought a 15 lb bag once at a Amish store up in MO once I really didn't like as well as others.
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