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anyone know of a real cure for osteo arthrits
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Posted 5/9/2024 21:46 (#10735083 - in reply to #10732766)
Subject: RE: anyone know of a real cure for osteo arthrits

They have medicines that help with that now. One is pill form you can take for 6 months. The other is a shot.
I can't say the name of either right now.
The DR. didn't want to prescribe them as he said the insurance wouldn't pay.
It go to the point I told him to prescribe it anyway as the wife was loosing her spine. ( I know, Precise medical language).
It turned out the insurance paid, although the first month or 2 the copay was kid of high. For some reason by the end of the year it is cheaper.
They are not true cures but they help. I was told they might help some but would more likely keep it from getting worse for a while.

Edited by IADAVE 5/9/2024 21:48
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