Eastern NE KS | Your red calf does not remind me of the dwarfs is saw back in the 60's. Those calves had a bulldog look to them. Extremely short coupled, short wide nose and with the small frame, bulging muscles. Another thing there heads seemed to grow beyond their bodies. These individuals were the result of a single recessive gene carried by normal looking cattle. The dwarfism was expressed when a mating of normal looking parents resulted in a calf with 2 copies of the dwarf condition.
Your calf's structure looks normal but obviously slow in developing and may become sexually mature at a much lighter weight. I do not think of your calf as a dwarf like those from my past.
I googled 'dwarf cattle' with no good results - compared to my memory. The cattle pictured were small, miniature cattle. Genetically, these small cattle have small parents and grandparents. It seems today the folks are calling miniature cattle and dwarf cattle the same thing. This is a shame because I would expect a dwarf miniature bovine to be an extremely small animal with the defective characteristics described in my first paragraph.
Edited by Doug61 5/3/2024 07:08
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