coast of Maine | My cousin Whatsapp'd me today.He is in Finland.They have him on statins.Has joint pain now,unsteady gate ,feels like dog doo.He has never had a heart issue. 69,,the doctor put him on as therapy.He was asking me for any info he could read about its use.I explained that there were many things to consider but there was a few studies that showed no more than 3 days of extended life from taking the pills for 20 years.I told him,I told my doc to eat them herself but that was my choice.Do you have any articles on line that I can link him to that talks of statins pros and cons etc.he can google translate about anything I send.I know I have just did a google and it all says best drug since Viagra,,in the search you find all articles are backed by pharma,,,its Great they say | |