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Electric motor connections, what is your favorite?
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Posted 4/26/2024 17:36 (#10719073 - in reply to #10718995)
Subject: RE: Electric motor connections, what is your favorite?

East of Broken Bow
Do you have a generator?

I have a similar situation, and I wired the motors and cords to plug into my generator. I have 2 bins that use the same box, move a cord from one bin to the other. Put a pigtail at the box, and a plug same as my generator, then plug the wire into it. Use the same plugs at the motor end.
Now, I can run any bin unload with my generator, and if I need a generator extension cord, I can use the wire that goes from the box to the (5HP) unload motor. Also, I can roll up the wire when not in use, and no one can unload any grain because there is no power to the motor, and the cord does not weather in the off-season.

Not sure, but I'm pretty sure everything is 30A twist lock, which is good for a 5 HP 240V motor.

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