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Can JD DB44 or DB60 planters be customized to 30" row?
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Posted 4/26/2024 15:11 (#10718918 - in reply to #10718396)
Subject: RE: Can JD DB44 or DB60 planters be customized to 30" row?

Some of the ads on Tractorhouse are confusing to me. Maybe they are just categorized incorrectly. They have several that are listed as DB44, but they are 24R30, which would be a DB60. Or I just don't understand how JD numbered these planters.

I did find one that is a 16/31 split row, so I guess 16 row is a possibility with the DB44 which from what I gather is a 44' bar.

I just wanted to know if its an option before I invest any time or effort into the idea.

And almost all of the planters I see with a 44' toolbar come as 22R24... or is it the other way? 24R22? Anyhow, the idea would be to get one of those and make it a 16R30

Edited by Bluedog 4/26/2024 15:14
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