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$800 lunch, an egg and salad
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Posted 4/15/2024 10:40 (#10707525 - in reply to #10706167)
Subject: RE: $800 lunch, an egg and salad

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
A couple years ago, the average retail price of eggs in the USA spiked in price to over $4.00/dozen because of bird flu and has been slowly dropping ever since. It's been quite a while (2001) since the average retail price of eggs was less than $1.00/dozen.

$2.30/dozen eggs, a serving size is two eggs per meal, that's six meals of protein at $0.38/meal. That's pretty cheap eating compared to the rest of the world...just saying.

A laying chick costs $2.00-$5.00 buy a couple chicks and raise your own eggs for free....

Edited by CMN 4/15/2024 10:46

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