WC Indiana | Interesting video. I started reading Sarah Myhill a couple months ago. https://www.drmyhill.co.uk/ .
It has been the best thing ever for my health. She has several books and you can also search her website on about any subject.
I went on her Paleo-Keto diet and have lost 20 pounds. Most importantly my C-Reactive Protein (Inflammation) went from 12 to 1.8. Blood pressure went down, The arthritis in my thumb went away along with my general body soreness. I think, and have read, the inflammation from a sugar diet is responsible for most heart problems. body inflammation, and soreness. Many studies are showing that inflammation is much more correlated to heart disease than cholesterol. But cholestrol is pushed by pharma so that is the standard Doctor line. Our medical establishment, press, and governing bodies are all beholden to pharma and don't really care how you eat.
Now on ketonic diet I am never hungry and don't have to yo-yo back and forth on sugar. Took about 2 weeks to adjust my body but eezy-peezy after that.
Edited by Barker 4/14/2024 13:15
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