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what is with memorial money made out to charities?
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 4/12/2024 21:13 (#10704721 - in reply to #10702647)
Subject: RE: what is with memorial money made out to charities?

just a tish NE of central ND
A custom in the now nonexistent former Reformed church here was to send a card with some kind words to the grieving family and the card then read a monetary dollar amount or a specific item was donated to such and "such and such" organization in the honor of the deceased person.
I find that custom to be a bit strange. I find it unnecessary. But I think it was the churches way of makeing sure there was no love for money or possessions to the grieving ones. (if that makes sense the way I explained it) It's as if same friends sent them a card that said. hey, we will help out the xyz charities so "look at me and how helpfull I am"..... but screw you, you are on your own to grieve your lost loved one.
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