EC IL | I have two older friends/cooperators and two even older attorneys trying to get 3 pieces of land purchased.
All seem to be at odds with what each piece of land's legal description should be called on the contract.
Survey will be done soon but looking for some clarity if there is any.
Just assume it's T.1.N , -R.1.E, and the sections are in the photo.
If I was naming it:
Red: The SE quarter of the SW quarter of section 18 T.1.N, R.1.E
Blue: The North half of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of section 19 T.1.N, R.1.E
White: The South half of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of section 19.....
(Land Description (full).jpg)
Attachments ---------------- Land Description (full).jpg (82KB - 173 downloads)
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