![](https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.H84E5E-BLBphs-Z83JTIGgHaHa&w=185&h=185&c=7&o=5&dpr=4&pid=1.7) Central ND | Hockey Man - 3/29/2024 12:17
Bought a used air drill, didn't come with a scale for calibration. I'm assuming it needs to be pretty accurate. I searched on Amazon and a $50 scale will get you a 0.1% variance, which could end up being a big difference in the end. Am I being too cheap, and will a more expensive one get me the accuracy I want? Should I go to Deere?Thanks.
Don't overthink this. You're already scaling up from measuring roughly a tenth of an acre. If you don't check the weight fully loaded, after driving a while, half-full, and almost empty, while averaging the results, what scale you use isn't going to matter whatsoever. |