| Watched about the first half yesterday. The XXP's don't seem to carry the attitude problem some EXT's had. Probably a little more birth weight. I have a Sun Dial son that I bought a couple of years ago. Out of a 4X13 daughter. Chuck Tastad told me 4X13 produced some really good cows at McCumber, which is saying something. The Sun Dial son is absolutely the easiest calving bull I've ever used, including AI. Great disposition and decent grow to the calves for that much calving ease.
There was a Coleman Keen son I should of went after. Most of Sinclair cattle are pretty line bred. A lot of "mainstream" Angus cattle today are virtuall crossbreds with no consistency. I saw the old N Bar herd probably nearly 30 years ago. An amazingly cookie cutter set of cows. What costs you money when you sell your calves? Every sort costs you money. | |