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Bread making experts
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Posted 3/22/2024 10:16 (#10675094 - in reply to #10674540)
Subject: RE: Bread making experts

north central Iowa, Hampton
I'm with RD. I'm a poor estimator of "Double in size" but I run into less problems if I short-change the first rise. My brain tells me X amount of yeast is only going to create a given amount of CO2, so if I let all that go in the first round, there won't be enough for the second.

I also use my oven for most rising. On my electric oven, I turn the oven on and set the timer for a minute. Turn it off. I think a true "proofing oven" runs about 80 degrees.

BTW, when I make cinnamon swirl, I also plump up some raisins in warm water and add that into the jelly-roll.

And, the problem with perfecting this is that I don't need the carbs, so I'm doing all this work and then have to find someone else to poison!
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