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Dinner time 1950
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John Burns
Posted 3/18/2024 11:49 (#10669985 - in reply to #10669694)
Subject: Oils, sugar and fructose

Pittsburg, Kansas
Two prime reasons, in my opinion, with several minor ones. All combined a major disaster.

The main two.

1. Seed oils called vegetable oils added to so many packaged foods adding a lot of energy calories with no nutritional value other than the extra energy we didn't need. That is saying nothing of the inflammation caused by the oxidation products of the unstable oils. Just on the added calories.

2. Eating/snacking constantly. Keeping insulin levels high all day and eventually causing insulin resistance exacerbating and compounding the problem. We used to eat three separate meals a day. Now people are eating 5 or 6 times a day or have a sugar drink sipping on it all day long. Insulin is the key to obesity. BODY FAT CANNOT BE UTILIZED FOR ENERGY WITH INSULIN AT HIGH LEVELS. Full stop. High insulin levels shuts off fat burning. Eating/drinking insulin raising foods all day long IS VERY BAD FOR HEALTH AND CAUSES OBESITY!

Those are the two main reasons, in my opinion. Lots of other additives. Like sugar consumption today vs a couple generations ago. More empty calories. High fructose corn syrup in so many soft drinks and fruit juice. Fruit and juices being promoted so strongly as "healthy" and available year round instead of mostly seasonal as it would have been in my grandfather's day. Highly processed foods that are highly palatable instead of a mix of more whole foods that digested more slowly. A food pyramid and dietary recommendations nearly 180 degrees from what should have been recommend and healthy. Not to mention not as many jobs requiring physical activity or as many calories.

More empty calories consumed too often, often with less physical activity to use them up. Crappy dietary recommendations from officialdom adding to the problem. Like demonizing meat for most of the last 50 years when that should have been the core of our meals like it was in my parents and grandparents days.

Probably more, but that gives a summary of my opinion. All combined into a perfect obesity and metabolic disease storm.

It is easy enough to reverse. All it takes is knowledge and a little perseverance. I've done it. My wife did it. Very good friends have done it. Tens of thousands of people on social media have claimed to have done it. The first step is education. The second step is application of the education.

We have been educated poorly concerning nutrition. For at least the last 50 years.

Edited by John Burns 3/18/2024 12:14
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