| Hilltop Husker - 3/14/2024 20:39
I'm still criticizing old greasy bob. All the folks on the radio TV and elsewhere claiming to be the only "red blooded freedom living patriots" all the while talking about suppression of others freedom. I'm just getting really annoyed and tired of it all.
This isn't directed at you but all the folks on the radio, TV, and elsewhere claiming to be the only inclusive patriots all the while talking about excluding others. I’m just really annoyed and tired of it all.
All the folks on radio, TV, and elsewhere talking about how no one is above the law all the while proving that some are above the law. I’m just getting really annoyed and tired of it all.
All the folks on radio, TV, and elsewhere talking about how great the current situation is all the while ignoring the chaos they are inserting into our lives, families, and country. I’m just getting really annoyed and tired of it all.
All the folks on radio, TV, and elsewhere talking about freedom, democracy, accountability all the while not doing the same themselves. I’m just getting really annoyed and tired of it all.
All the folks on radio, TV, and elsewhere talking about how we need to save the planet by not driving, flying, eating meat, breathing all the while doing that way more than anyone else. I’m just getting really annoyed and tired of it all.
Ad nauseum. |