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Eating many small meals a day - fasting insulin test numbers
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Posted 3/11/2024 17:22 (#10661592 - in reply to #10660545)
Subject: RE: Eating many small meals a day - fasting insulin test numbers

Western Oregon
Snacking is different than eating 5-6 "meals" a day. I have to because I can't eat enough at a time to make 6 hours. I don't eat after 2 hrs before bedtime until breakfast around 6 am. I was made aware young to make sure I wasn't snacking, sweets, junk food or loading up on foods like carbs. 1/2 a cup is about it and not be uncomfortable for several hours. My other problem is I have to take a sip of water, small bite, chew 100 times and take another sip of water to swallow, other wise it feels like it hangs up 1/2 way down. Especially dry foods, but even apple, lately. My body doesn't make much saliva. Mom was a diabetic and both brothers have been for years. I probably would be, doctors have always warned me, but I have been on special diets all my life + my weight has always been very low. 5'3" and 126lbs. A good cookie would be 3 full meals and that just isn't going to work....James
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