Madison Co. Virginia | jwal10 - 3/9/2024 16:44
Depends on how many watts, ours is just 20 amp and regular 12ga. romex....James
It all depends on the size of the unit, the gpm you need, and the degrees of temp rise that you need.
For example, if you want 2 gpm of water with a 50f rise, that would require a 48,000 btu/hr heater. One btu is one pound of water raised one degree. 2 gallons X 8 pounds per gallon X 50 degrees X 60 minutes = 48,000 btu/hr.
One watt is equal to 3.41 btu/hr. 48,000 btu/hr translates to 14,000 watts. That would need 60 amps at 240v. |