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Implements for the new 9RX
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Glenn W.
Posted 3/3/2024 21:03 (#10650363 - in reply to #10650002)
Subject: RE: Implements for the new 9RX

Southeast Washington
Steiger Man - 3/4/2024 15:38

My opinion Having sectional control for both seed/dry fertilizer offsets any advantage that liquid fertilizer only sectional control might have.  Seed isn't cheap either especially pulse crops.  And yes we did equip one of our drills for liquid fertilizer and used it for a few years.  Didn't see much of a difference other then the higher cost for liquid plus it brings on its own set of problems just like dry fert.  There is no free ride.  

Remember most are running 35-38 foot drills with their 500 plus hp tractors. Largest drills in the hills are 50 feet. No overlap like the 60-80 for drills either but money is spent to buy twice as big of tractor for the hills as what is needed for the flat country. When the fertilizer companies don't even handle dry fertilizer as a cereal crop would need it is hard to get to excited about it. Do get to use dry fertilizer for pastures is about the extent of it. They just don't even want to mess with it in the three PNW states.

Our Horsch dealer has sold like 250 drills and only 8 are 50 foot. The rest are 38 foot or less in width.
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