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Implements for the new 9RX
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Steiger Man
Posted 2/28/2024 21:47 (#10644564)
Subject: Implements for the new 9RX

Sunburst Montana
This Gysler brochure is from the early to mid 70s. Some people think there aren’t any implements big enough for this tractor. All the way back then they were making “mega” plows up to 85ft wide. So all they need to do is push that 5 millionth tractor back outside and resume production.

(IMG_7278 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_7280 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_7279 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_7278 (full).jpeg (171KB - 318 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7280 (full).jpeg (135KB - 331 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7279 (full).jpeg (166KB - 304 downloads)
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