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Buy a T40 Now or wait to buy a T50?
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Posted 2/24/2024 04:01 (#10637536 - in reply to #10637426)
Subject: RE: Buy a T40 Now or wait to buy a T50?

Southern Missouri
In our opinion, and again I’m not here to knock any brand of drone , as with all farm machinery there’s things that’ll make owning one brand over the other better for one man’s operation better than for another’s, but yes in our opinion it’s not even close , there are things the pro 100 does during operation that makes it turn faster and resume spraying after a turn quicker than what we used last year , it’s the same as many things that you get used to using , when a different brand or model comes along you really notice the things that happen differently and there are many things that happen differently using a t40 versus an xag pro 100, we’re doing burndown right now and any type of spraying that turns foliage from green to brown will give you a lesson in the job you’re doing so I’m definitely not going to Bragg on the job the xag is doing with its spray pattern till I see the kill on the burndown, been there done that all year last year with the t40 , we wound up very happy with the spray pattern of the t40 but I can certainly tell you not at a 32.5 ft swath width , nobody’s running a t40 over our crop at that wide of a swath pattern , it ain’t happening, you all on here have heard my story of the thousands of acres of green soybeans desiccated with gramoxone in warm weather, nothing that I know of will give you a lesson in you spray pattern better than doing that , in 24 hrs you literally see where every droplet of gramoxone landed, we don’t use gramoxone in spring burndown and it’ll take much longer of a period for us to tell what kind of job we’re getting with the current running xag, but we will know in a few days , we are currently running 26.5 feet spacing just like we learned to with the t40 ,you wind up using the exact same amount of chemical and water on 40 acres at a 26.5 ft swath as you use at a 32 ft swath the machine has to adjust the output , it does it very simply in setup .it’s not that you can’t get a decent job at 32 ft , you can, but on our place we received a much more stable and reliable pattern at 26.5 , remains to be seen on the xag , but we are at 26.5 ft pattern currently,same as we were with the t40, you’ll get every recommendation possible from lots of folks and some will be good info, I just tell what we see at our place and don’t really know much about anyplace else , we do zero custom work and the work we do at our place we prefer to have it done correctly, we are far far from always doing that but by gosh we try .We’re running a 20 kw propane powered sound attenuated generator, it’s very quite ( important for my old butt ) and big enough but barely, we used HSE-UAV for our xag dealer and is my opinion we really like them so far, my email is good , I don’t check it very often but it’s good :)as far as price I can guarantee we get taken at every purchase we do no matter how hard we try so just good luck on that

Also just for grins , turn the two above mentioned drones upside down and pop off the covers and look at the electrical connections, just do it .

Edited by sloughclub 2/24/2024 04:49
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