Missouri river bottom south of Sioux City, IA | Check out Demco 1000 gallon SideQuest tanks for 8RX. I purchased them a year ago and installed them on a 8RX 370 with 18” tracks. They worked very well for me. Plumbing was easy through the rear axle undercarriage. The tanks have sumps so they empty out completely. They are easy to power wash out when changing chemicals. Installing and removing the tanks was easy. I don’t think that is an easy thing to do with John Deere inboard tanks. They were about half the price of JD 8RX inboard tanks. Got mine for $15,500.
Tom N.
Edited by Tom N 2/17/2024 14:06
(80 foot boom on JD 8RX with 1000 gallon Demo tanks (full).jpg)
(Side dress (full).jpg)
Attachments ----------------
80 foot boom on JD 8RX with 1000 gallon Demo tanks (full).jpg (174KB - 40 downloads)
Side dress (full).jpg (183KB - 35 downloads)