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Dozer shopping….ideal size????
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Posted 2/16/2024 08:49 (#10625635 - in reply to #10625075)
Subject: RE: Dozer shopping….ideal size????

Blue Grass (Eastern IA)

We have heavy clay soil, so my experience may be different if you are in sand.  Here a 30,000lb dozer will take down most any tree. But for cutting and pushing a large volume of soil it's not heavy enough.  Building ponds and terraces is much easier with a 40,000lb machine.  I can drop the blade and just keep rolling soil with the 40k, while the 30k will spin out when the blade gets a full pile in front of it.  I would also recommend a dozer that can power turn.  Otherwise you lose 1/2 of your push power every time you steer.

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