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House Furnace Downdrafting once Radon System Installed
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Posted 2/12/2024 23:10 (#10621176)
Subject: House Furnace Downdrafting once Radon System Installed

Southeast Nebraska
From the ongoing files of I can't seem to fix one problem without causing a couple more.... Has anybody ran into and had a solution for a house gas furnace that downdrafts once a radon mitigation system was installed? Furnace is in the basement, installed the radon mitigation system (basically a negative pressure fan) that puts the drainage tile system under the concrete floor at negative pressure to remove radon gas. When the system is on, I can feel that the chimney pipe (4 inch steel pipe) on my 80% ish efficiency LP furnace is cold and the flue gases are coming out the front of the furnace. When I turn the radon system off, the chimney heats up and no more flue gases escaping. It's a vertical vent up through the roof.

I have had a few issues with this furnace wanting to draft as it should in the past, extended stack height above roof and that helped some, but this radon system pretty much makes it not work at all. The house is quite tight and that is not working in my favor.

Realize one way that I could fix this is a completely new high efficiency furnace with a draft induction blower, funny thing about the new furnaces is I spend way more time working on those with all of their fancy electronics than I do with this thing, which pretty much just works other than this issue. I have a hard time parting with proven things that work. Any thoughts are appreciated, I have multiple CO detectors and none have shown any levels above 0 so far. TIA!
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