NC Iowa | Personally not a fan of Acer products, attractively priced but my family has found the quality just isn't there, no total failures but a number of frustrating issues popped up with their products for us. Also for someone who's hung on to a laptop for decades I'd aim a touch higher on specs to avoid the frustration the computer feeling slow again in 3 years.
My broad advice is look for a 15 inch screen(smaller than this it's pretty dodgy whether you get a full keyboard), modern Ryzen 5 or i5 processor, at least 500 gb of SSD, and at least 12 gb of RAM.
https://www.newegg.com/quiet-blue-asus-m1502qa-nb54-home-personal/p/... being an example of what I've go for.
Edited by Iastfan112 2/9/2024 23:31
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