SC IA | I've done a lot of this and made some mistakes so here are my thoughts. Mow it in the fall, as soon as possible I think that is August 1st. Bale or not, up to you. Mow early because you want some regrowth before it gets cold, so you can hit it with a heavy rate of Roundup before things go dormant. No till into it the next spring. Burning is optional, and probably a good idea if you don't bale the trash off.
Any iron involved that first year will leave things a rough cloddy mess. Zero stars, do not recommend.
Corn or beans are fine IF you get a good kill on the grass the fall prior. Beans are probably safer. I wouldn't bother with soil tests or dry fertilizer for at least a couple years, you have mineralized a ton of that after 20 years in CRP. Spend the money on pipe.
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