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1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?
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Posted 1/23/2024 19:54 (#10590132 - in reply to #10589864)
Subject: RE: 1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?

I enjoy your Massey posts. Looks like you have enough oomph to drag that yellow baler through some hills!

Brief Massey history of our farm. Dad was looking to upgrade from his 450 Farmall and the MF dealer in Melvin had nothing used, but he had a new 180 and a new 1080.

Dad was very tempted by the 1080, but felt it was too much $$$. I always thought that series was sharp looking.

He looked at used 706 and 3020 diesels. He had his mind made up to buy a nice 3020 but his childhood friend was an IH salesman and he had a 706 gas he'd sell Dad cheap. Dad said he'd bought his last gas tractor and didn't want it.

The IH guy told Dad not to buy the 3020 until he tried it out and insisted on bringing the 706 at the same time. Dad asked the Deere dealer if he could demo the 3020 on the 3/16 plow he was using in an alfalfa field. He said no, too many times he'd had farmers try out a big tractor until their tough plowing job was done and decide not to buy. Dad said,"Fair enough, I promise you I won't even sit on your tractor. I'll hook up the plow and you can make one round and go home with a check or the tractor if I don't like it."

The Deere dealer thought that was more than fair and sent the tractor out to the field. The 706 gasser was already there and plowing when the 3020 arrived. They switched tractors and the 3020 never moved the plow, and Dad sent it back.

The moral of that story is that Dad should have demoed a 4020. He held out for a 706 diesel which was a fine tractor, but was replaced by an 806 after a couple of years.

I bought a 5455 FWA on a retirement sale 4 years ago and love that thing. A 1086 and a 4230 are my other "big" tractors.

Thanks for sharing the pictures.
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