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1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?
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Posted 1/23/2024 19:04 (#10590021 - in reply to #10589816)
Subject: RE: 1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?

Nw Iowa
Back in the day around 1976 or 77 or so we priced a used 7700 and a Massey 760 and wasn’t a lot difference in price. We went with used 7700, it was a 72 or 73 model, I am guessing around a 1000 hrs, and Dad paid 32000 for combine, used 8 row cornhead and a used 20’ platform. If I remember the Massey with all new heads was closer to 40. We had a Gleaner C that had been around the world and thought we had died and went to heaven.
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