Posted 1/23/2024 16:07 (#10589718 - in reply to #10589664) Subject: RE: 1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?
Sunburst Montana
We bought a new 4020 diesel powershift in 1964 and total cost was over $9,000. I doubt a 806 was more expensive. If you want to talk cheap tractors of the 60s, I can’t see how anybody beat a 6 speed Case 930. Those were nothing more than glorified diesel powered LAs from the 40s. If they cost more then half a 4020, i’d almost be surprised. If MF 1100s were so superior to the 4020 there should have been a lot more of them sold. MF combines were number one on the market sales wise. There were alot of farms that ran IH or JD but had a Massey combine us included. Yet their big tractor sales never seemed to match the combines.