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1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?
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TP from Central PA
Posted 1/23/2024 15:29 (#10589664)
Subject: 1100 MF vs. 4020 from below, what was the cheapest at the time?

Read the thread down the page, it got me to wondering................At that time those were new, what tractor in that HP range was the cheapest setup for work in the corn belt? Not being alive at the time, I heard stories, and I pieced together IH was more than a Deere, but where did the rest end up after that? With that said, I heard a story about a million times that a local bought a 4020, really liked it and it held up, was looking to buy another one and the Case dealer rolled in and gave them a smoking number on a 830 that they could not turn down and they went with it, story goes they dumped enough money in it plus the purchase price originally the could have bought 1.5 4020's..............So how many others charted out on that course? Locally, JI Case had pricing power from stories I heard, they got alot of sales with numbers, but not many went back after that initial one. Amazing how times I changed, not much as far as brands or dealers these days.
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