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Massey Ferguson Ski Wiz….who had or has one?
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Posted 1/11/2024 13:37 (#10568282 - in reply to #10568250)
Subject: RE: Massey Ferguson Ski Wiz….who had or has one?

Massey actually made the original ski whiz,  until '74,  then contracted with Scorpion until  '77.

Wild times in the 60's and 70's  with  250 'brands' of  snowmobiles on the market.. Now there's 4.  

As a kid, my  first machine was a '66 Evinrude Skeeter,  with a 2 cylinder horizontal opposed engine.  15 mph on hardpack was all it had.

Then  picked up a '73  Herters  with a fan cooled 440 Kohler..  before  dipping my boots into mainstream Polaris..

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