Old Pokey - 2/3/2010 22:17
That is incredible. If a guy were to adapt that concept over the 1590 arm, would I have to pay you royalties?
You will notice in my pictures, that the "jacker bolt" that allows adjustment for making the bracket work with the boot in any of the 3 mounting holes, leans to the disc side so the bolt head wedges the boot against the disc.
Jon is this why I see "notches" worn into the top of your bracket arm in pic 750 bracket rear ? Each position puts the arm in contact with the cast blade bearing boss in a slightly different spot? That is typical of you and Don's genius. Let me talk to the boss tomorrow. I may be contacting you via email about this bracket.
BTW. Once again, you were the topic of conversation today while working on the drill. I put it up on blocks and told the boss he had to do at least half the work cause I was'nt going to bang my knees up any worse than they are now. After about 3 boot removals, he was convinced your drill service stand would be a priceless tool to have.