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New Holland CR9070 vs Case 8120 vs John Deere 9770
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ZX 210
Posted 12/29/2023 13:15 (#10547502)
Subject: New Holland CR9070 vs Case 8120 vs John Deere 9770

Dauphin Manitoba
We have a CR 9070 with some upgrades. MAD concaves, precision rotors, and tuned. It rips pretty decent. But it seems to be slightly underbuilt and all the belts are kinda annoying. Definitely hasn't been "trouble free" but isn't bad if we go through it thoroughly in winter. Also like how easy it is to keep the losses down. How would we like one of the other brands. My "general" understanding is that new Holland has big capacity and more down time and the Deere would be less capacity and less down time. And the case is maybe kind of in between there?? I've looked at a few of the 9770 and they look way simpler under the side panels then a new Holland. This would be to replace an older higher houred CX880. So we aren't really needing more capacity.. we have all three dealers half hour away. What you guys think? Get the Deere or case and have at least a right to argue after? Lol. Wanting to stay right around a 2010 so yes S series are out for us. This is in wheat and canola. And we really try and keep our canola losses down. Which is alot harder than wheat..
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