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barn cameras ?
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jack john
Posted 12/24/2023 07:38 (#10538786)
Subject: barn cameras ?

Have a cow calve barn that is 250 long by 64 wide, one 2/3 of the barn is a lofting barn and then 1/3 has pens for calving, so what cameras would work best? Wide angle or PTZ? My thoughts if a person installed wide angle cameras on the long side of the barn spaced out so each camera would have a view across the barn going the full length so distance would be 64 ft, does that make sense? I am just after being able too watch cows and when i observed one calving or starting too calve then a person can go to barn and make sure all is good. What is a good brand of cameras? Most seem too be high def 1080p what every that means. Is it best too buy off a company that sells so called "barn" cameras or can a person just buy a good system off Amazon? Thanks for any info
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