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Utv aftermarket heaters
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Trillium Farm
Posted 12/17/2023 19:20 (#10529015 - in reply to #10528979)
Subject: RE: Utv aftermarket heaters

Southern Ontario
kfrem - 12/17/2023 20:03

Looking at getting a side by side and was quoted almost $2k to have a factory cab heater installed at the dealer. Another dealer told me you can buy aftermarket Inferno brand heaters, but you won't be happy with one. They cost $430 and I would install it myself.
So I am wondering who would be happier, my dealer who sells one for 2K or me with aftermarket?

In fairness your dealer does not sell it for $2k, that includes installation, but what is the cost of the unit for YOU to install?
Some of these things cost less than the labour to install them.
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