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how does one find cheap flights?
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Posted 12/10/2023 21:06 (#10519077 - in reply to #10519004)
Subject: RE: how does one find cheap flights?

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
tillage-director - 12/10/2023 20:29

If your schedule is flexible fiddle with the days when you leave and return. For example, it might be cheaper to fly out on a Wednesday than it is on a Friday. Sometime there can be a pretty big price difference between days

I did notice that. Of course we wanna fly out sat morning and back Sunday. So that’s probably the most expensive. Trying for wife to not miss work and my parents have to walk with our kids going to school while they watch em.
It’s looking like driving is the more feasible decision. We were hoping for a little less time away and a more relaxing travel and be home earlier Sunday. But doesn’t seem feasible
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