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how does one find cheap flights?
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Posted 12/10/2023 20:50 (#10519051 - in reply to #10518515)
Subject: RE: how does one find cheap flights?

GrainTrader - 12/10/2023 16:04
Tim in WI - 12/10/2023 15:56 Just do it Google search for the flight you want, then book it directly through the airline. If you book through a third party and something doesn’t go right, getting a change or a refund is a lot more difficult. And I gotta say it, drive. It’s a lot less stressful. I would rather drive for 2 days than take a 2 hour flight.
I’m of the same opinion. I think my wife is catching onto my tricks of stopping to see a friend or looking at farm equipment along the way…

It's not a bad drive.  If you want to score some nookie points, send me a message on the Bookface and I'll give you an idea for a spot to spend the night halfway through the trip. 

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