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how does one find cheap flights?
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Posted 12/10/2023 18:35 (#10518760 - in reply to #10518745)
Subject: RE: how does one find cheap flights?

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
waterman1 - 12/10/2023 18:25

Personally I'd drive it Indy to KC

And if I did I try my best to avoid I-70 headache bumper to bumper traffic Alternative route is Indy to Champaign IL - Decatur-Springfield I-72 to Hannibal ( rte 36) to Cameron MO. Shoot down I-35 and you're at KC. Nice 4 lane less stressful drive

Or, take I 70 over
Hwy 36 returning home

Best luck whatever you do

Have traveled that path on 36 many many times to Brookfield/Laclede Missouri to family. Love the drive. But never been west of St Louis on 70 so kinda wanted to take that route. (Have 3 friends on the way to, but they are just far enough off 70 might slow me down too much unless it’s at lunch time
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