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how does one find cheap flights?
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Posted 12/10/2023 16:36 (#10518562 - in reply to #10518537)
Subject: RE: how does one find cheap flights?

coast of Maine
Go to incognito mode,,google flights,,choose flight cost an airline,book thru that airline,,,,do NOT use one like travelocity.kayak or such as they suck when an issue,wife and tech girl just last week spent 47 hours getting to where it takes 6.The trip from living hell.Expedia dropped the ball.Why incognito? as you search the logarithm analysis knows you are looking,,price will rise,,seats will get scarcer,,as it knows the wife wants to go.When you choose airline you can go back to reg mode.I was once in Europe on a return flight.Planes diverted as a pilot crashed into a mountain...The desk said I had no ticket,,WTF,,,I spent some time in Germany/London trying to get home...wife booked it on Travelocity,,,I said they suck,,stay away ,,EZ as corn farming till there is drought...hehehheh
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