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Educate me on silage bunkers/pads
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Posted 12/1/2023 08:47 (#10504921 - in reply to #10502704)
Subject: RE: Educate me on silage bunkers/pads

What works is management. I've seen poor feed from all options and great feed from all options. One major thing to consider when bagging is handling dm changes, thats where a bunker or pile with a skilled push person shine. Very little dm changes beef type operation it's not as big of an issue as dairy. Bags are only as good as the surface they are on and take less up front cost but more daily management. Best thing for feeding out of bags on "poor" base is a tracked skid loader. Bunker can be made long and somewhat narrow just keep in mind pack tractor needs to be able to get full coverage and make a good sized apron so you're not always off the edge so to speak. Think about getting tires on it to cover when choosing a place as well as harvest equipment traffic. Also this sounds dumb but lighting, if you can put a pole up high with a nice bright light on it. Makes night time covering , plastic cutting etc nice. In a side hill drain tile sounds great but becomes rat heaven. A pile is nice because you're not boxed in so to speak just make sure all 4 sides can be packed well and there again all things like a bunker. Depth is going to be dimensions so you can feed 8 inches a day. Narrow short but long is what I'd be looking at. I did construction blocks and learned the hard way to tarp the walls aka 2 pieces of plastic on lining each wall then lapped together when covering. pre cast with the cost of trucking was the same as poured last year oct. 8 foot walls 35 wide 150 long 2 foot shorter back wall (lets water off so you don't have water sitting) with a 50 front apron came in at 160,000 and a pad 200 long by 60 wide was 100,000. All in on both same contractor for site work. I went pad. I rent a farm with asphalt floor and it's thick but became a mess when previous renter used skid loader on it and loaded in the bunker so the turning has had quite an affect on it Sorry this got long winded waiting to go to the dr
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