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Posted 11/18/2023 13:36 (#10487070 - in reply to #10486777)
Subject: RE: MF 8S

Absolutely you need to learn what the customer's expectations are.

When I did a tractor demo I would do a walk around with everybody that's going to be involved. Then rode with each person or if it was just one person whatever, until they felt comfortable then leave them alone let him operate it play with stuff come up with questions. Sit in my truck for an hour answer phone calls for other people needing help. Jump back in with the tractor see what they have for questions let's take it to the next level of potential features and benefits depending on what they're running. Maybe I have to leave for an hour or two to take care of another emergency but absolutely 100% come back and a check in.

I never waited for a phone call. The next morning the minute you knew that customer was up and having coffee I was calling to see what our plan is for the day where are we taking the tractor who's going to be driving it are there any questions we need answers for is there any accessories that we are going to need. Such as a harness to plug into the cab roof to put in there scale for the Manure Spreader or grain cart or other monitor.

Little things like that were a fantastic way to show them some of the features and benefits that you normally wouldn't see. Day two was take it to the next level start playing with the monitor going to automatic features things like that. Setting up in a manure spreader with Headland management with the whole end and go buttons to showcase the accuterminal and how to make adjustments how easy that thing really is.

I got to work with a team. So no matter what there was always somebody from the company on a demo. If I had to leave and I knew I wasn't going to be able to be back I could call the salesman and say you need to come out here I have to go type deal.
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