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This is why tillage is necessary (here)
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Posted 11/7/2023 23:27 (#10473064 - in reply to #10471569)
Subject: RE: This is why tillage is necessary (here)

South Central MN
I've got fields that have been mostly no-till or have had 1-3 passes with a modified disk since 2016-17, and it is nice black clay loam. Got to thinking about one spot in a field I picked a couple days ago, fall of '16 we were wet and I rutted the heck out of that patch while harvesting beans, leveled it off with a disk that fall, field cultivated the spring of '17, and it maybe got worked in '19 and '20 with said disk. This patch was the healthiest corn I had in the whole field. Was a bit drier this summer though, the stuff on the hill next to it wasn't looking the best.
Doubt I would find any trace of those ruts based on how the corn looked. The area here is almost all full tillage with a couple doing strip till, and maybe a couple others that actually no-till. Used to hear the "It won't ever work here" comment quite a bit, but the ground seems to fix itself a lot better than I thought it could. Seems softer now than it was before also which is something I didn't expect either.
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