Morningdew - 11/7/2023 11:57
That’s nice dirt. Looks like here. Come spring it will be as mellow as a garden with the cultivation pass. We get nice cold winters here though. Want that dirt black to soak up the sun. Nothing worse then slow yellowish emerging corn.
Agreed. Much better bean stand and root development to get them past that slow ugly stage they go through. That’s the beauty of farming there’s more than one way to do it and no one size fits all. I find the comment’s interesting and inciteful even though some don’t mean them to be contradictory. We try different methods occasionally and used to no till beans. Just didn’t work on our ground very well. Ground stays too wet under the trash and seed trenches open back up. Not one to wait until May 15th to start rolling either. April planted beans will put the easiest 10 bu in your pocket that beans can and you won’t be doing that on black dirt that never sees the sun
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