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This is why tillage is necessary (here)
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Posted 11/7/2023 07:37 (#10471993 - in reply to #10471746)
Subject: RE: This is why tillage is necessary (here)

Amherst WI
Kooiker - 11/6/2023 22:23

twraska - 11/6/2023 21:15  I’ll bet you don’t run a planter, sprayer, fertilizer buggy or combine over that hedgerow. .

If you manage to pack the entire field with wheels maybe you should rethink your traffic patterns.

The only thing that gets done to the entire field that causes compaction is what is supposedly the cure for the compaction, rinse and repeat.

Good post

The more this gets discussed the more I don't think most farmers understand what the problem is, and I will base this on "here" observations.

Water runs to the low spot, they rip the low spot. Water still sits there. If the water could actually run in to the soil "uphill" they wouldn't have water standing in a low spot 65+ ft above the water table.

I'm not saying no tillage ever, but most of the issues trying to be solved by tillage is caused by tillage as you mentioned.

The other thing that doesn't get asked enough is why? Why does soil setup like that? Why did it yield more/less? Why won't it dry out/hold moisture? Instead, the whole practice gets thrown out instead of ___________ issue happened and now we need to concentrate on how to fix that.
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