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This is why tillage is necessary (here)
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Posted 11/6/2023 21:29 (#10471651 - in reply to #10471453)
Subject: RE: This is why tillage is necessary (here)

Here is my take on it. I own two rippers, a VT disc, a soil warrior, and I notill also. Every field I have may get different tillage, or none with cover crop. I also get to do custom combining on full tillage systems. So I get to see a wide variety of different theories on till vs notill. There is no one size fits all. All that being said I would definitely try my hardest to convert all my fields to notill with covers or strip till with covers. Profitability needs to be considered. Tillage brings on compaction, that only gets relieved by more tillage. I do not own a field cultivator because of the horizontal layer that seals off oxygen from the soil. In the end it's all about the oxygen in your soil, how you get there can be a mystery that everyone and every field treats differently. I try many different practices every year as I'm getting my goal of no commercial fertilizer and no chemicals on our farm. Tillage, tiling, and salt seems unsustainable and costly. Again if you never try you'll never know.
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