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This is why tillage is necessary (here)
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Posted 11/6/2023 19:15 (#10471453)
Subject: This is why tillage is necessary (here)

Central Indiana
Here’s a few pictures of running the disc chisel today on some of our tighter ground. Was inline ripped last year and no operation this year was done when conditions would have promoted aggressive compaction. Field is tiled pretty well so not an underlying issue being poorly drained. Our blacker ground just solidifies back into a big chunk every year so we have to break it up with tillage. Cover crop isn’t ever going to solve the issue of naturally tight soils. No amount of root paths or earthworm tunnels will loosen this ground up so our option is tillage. I realize this doesn’t apply to everywhere. We see positive results running iron through our ground here

(Snapseed (full).jpeg)

(IMG_4407 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_4406 (full).jpeg)

Attachments Snapseed (full).jpeg (234KB - 481 downloads)
Attachments IMG_4407 (full).jpeg (293KB - 461 downloads)
Attachments IMG_4406 (full).jpeg (258KB - 482 downloads)
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