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Reynolds 8c scraper hydraulic question
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Posted 10/31/2023 16:59 (#10464163)
Subject: Reynolds 8c scraper hydraulic question

West-Central Missouri
I have a reynolds 8c scraper that runs on 2 scv ports. Basically the front gate runs independently and the lift and dump are sequenced. So when i get loaded i need to lift the pan all the way up to begin dumping.
I am wanting to switch it to 3 independent scv ports and do away with the sequence.
Where is a good resource with a hydraulic schematic for changing that. I would think it should be just a matter of running separate from each function, but i have some questions on pics below.
Pic 1: That is the right side pan lift cylinder. Is that small hose a pressure relief line or the sequence valve actuator? That hose is not on the left pan lift cylinder.
Pic 2: The gate runs independently, yet those 2 hoses T into the gate cylinder hoses and go back to the pan lift cylinders
and sequence valve
Pic 3: Are those check valves or something?
Pic 4: I assume that is the sequence valve block?

Edited by gbryce 10/31/2023 17:10

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