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Any of you fellows seen a Bigfoot .
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 10/23/2023 00:24 (#10452206 - in reply to #10451350)
Subject: RE: Panda Bears

Altoona, WI
I do not discount the idea that they could exist, for these reasons...

1: Panda bear were a rather late discovery. For many, many years, people in Asia would make claims of them and the white people blew it off as legends or stories just like we do with Bigfoot today. Until one was captured. If I remember correctly, it was into the 1900s before that happened.

2: Back in the 1800s, there was an area down south somewhere that settlers were having a problem with Bigfoot abducting children and killing them. Mangled them up pretty bad and just left them. Army was called in, a small band pf soldiers went out looking for it, and they found it. All were killed in gruesome ways except one soldier who managed to get away to tell the tale. He was messed up pretty bad by the incident.

3: There have been documented cases of human beings who have "gone wild", meaning that they walked away from society to go off and live in the woods by themselves. Clothes eventually fell apart and they started to go naked. Once that happens, we apparently grow long hair all over our bodies for insulation against the cold. Bigfoot could possible be am ancient ancestor or relative of human beings that have the hair since they don't wear clothes.

4: There have simply been too many cases of people having encounters with them to blow it off as fallacy. They are liable to be quite intelligent and since the woods are their turf, wouldn't you think they would know where trail cams are located? Perhaps by scent?

As for those who mentioned UFOs... Anyone paying attention to the news the past few years would know by now that the US government has pretty much admitted that they exist, we have some craft, and we have attempted to reverse engineer them. And apparently one craft that we have in our possession was found as part of an archeological dig, which puts it in ancient times.

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